Category Archives: Soap Box

Bug out Vehicles that you can use every day

With the current natural and man made disasters, you and your family or team may need to bug out. Having the right vehicle is critical. Here are my thoughts.

When considering a “bug out vehicle” there are many things to consider. Think of the vehicle’s age, parts availability (now and in a bad situation as well as new and rebuilt parts), computers (there have been many computers in different parts of vehicles for different systems for decades now), suspension et al. Continue reading Bug out Vehicles that you can use every day

Giant Tech Firms Cheat

From our friends at

Dennis Prager, an author, talk show host, columnist, pundit and Rabbi (did you know that?) testified before Congress about search-engine bias. His Prager University gets a billion views annually.

Hundreds of his postings and videos have been restricted or banned by online tech giants. Among many otherwise seemingly innocuous and reasonable ones censored, (Israel’s Legal Founding by Dershowitz, Why Don’t Feminists Fight for Muslim Women by Ayaan Hirshi Ali), Google banned Prager’s own, “The Ten Commandments, What You Should Know.”

Refusing to say why they do this, Google’s rep responded to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on that one, saying it’s because the video referred to “murder.” Hawaii Sen. Hirono added, in Goggle’s defense, it also had Nazi imagery. Who are these people? Have you stopped using Google yet? Prager offered to post The Nine Commandments as a solution (but without luck).

CZ-52 in 9 mm Luger hit or bust?

The CZ-52 was an imported semi-automatic pistol. Here is a brief overview and here

Back in the 90’s this, and many “commie” guns, were a readily available on the free market. I bought one after a friend showed me his, it seemed like a fun gun for under $125. The original CZ-52 came in 7.62×25. I love this round.

Continue reading CZ-52 in 9 mm Luger hit or bust?

West Freeway Church of Christ shooting after action report

Below is a link to the West Freeway Church of Christ near Fort Worth church shooting (12/29/2019), it has multiple zoom ins and replays so specific areas of the church can be seen during the shooting and immediately afterwards.

This is not Monday quarterbacking, just my analysis (as a church security team leader for 6 years) that will save lives at your church.

Important points that I noted:

Security knew there was an issue, that is why they had several people on that side if the sanctuary watching him. They knew he had a fake beard when he came in. They should have never let him have a seat, they should have politely and quietly pulled him off to the side and “touched” his sides discreetly and talked to him. There are ways to feel for weapons where the person does not know that is what you are doing. Continue reading West Freeway Church of Christ shooting after action report

Tornado response (S&R): 12 August, 2019

This “article” was written as an after action for a recent tornado. I decided to slightly modify it and put it out as an article.

What happened? Two tornadoes went through Christian county and one directly through two subdivisions. There were dozens of tornadoes across the state due to this storm.

Once activated, our S&R team met outside the affected area (per our SOP) and then caravanned into the primary affected zone. Our group had 18 personnel. Continue reading Tornado response (S&R): 12 August, 2019

Si vis pacem, para bellum – If you want peace prepare for war

Violence Compared:

Many years ago, while I was still in school two beliefs, that were utterly wrong, were placed before the American people, proposed as gospel. The saying “fighting never solved anything” was spread through our schools, churches and homes along with a “zero tolerance” policy which gave victims in the same punishment as the aggressors, or in some cases, there was no aggressor, just stupid teachers, school staff, prosecutors and judges were and are lazy using that “policy” to punish without thought. Continue reading Si vis pacem, para bellum – If you want peace prepare for war

The Heritage – Conclusion

This excerpt is taken from the book, ‘Seedtime of the Republic’ by Clinton Rossiter. Page 445.

It is my humble and accurate opinion that every citizen of the Unites States should read this book.  This is a three part book. You may find and read “The Political Thought of the American Revolution” as a book itself, it is part 3 of ‘Seedtime’. I put this section below because I feel it needs to be spread around and stimulate knowledge here and now.

“Under normal operating conditions of free society and constitutional government, representations and jury trial form the last and firmest line of defense against arbitrary power. When circumstances are abnormal, when this line of defense is irreparably breached, the people may resort to the great right of resistance. Government is divine, and ordinance of God, but governors are human, deriving all power from the consent of the governed. When rulers flout the terms under which they were granted this power, the people are placed in a position where they may, rather must, act to restore ordered liberty.

The right of resistance is the last refuge of a while people unable to protect their lives, liberties, and properties by normal constitutional methods; it cannot be stretched to justify the coup d’état of a militant minority dedicated to the building of a new order. The people have a duty to be peaceful and law-abiding, and history demonstrated that they can be counted on never to resist except under overriding compulsion and to temper their methods to the nature and degree of oppression. The only possible outcome of a full reversion of power to the people is a new contract with new rulers under new terms of reciprocal obedience and protection. God granted men the right of resistance to help them preserve orderly government, not to induce them to fly from the tyranny of arbitrary power to the tyranny of no power at all. In short, resistance, the extreme form of which is revolution, is not so much the right as the solemn, unpleasant duty of a betrayed people. ”

Until we meet again, keep your booger hook off the bang switch until on target and ready to fire.